
“The World Health Organization categorizes alcohol as a toxic substance due to its harmful effects on the body.”

“It is also classified as a psychoactive substance because it affects brain function and can alter mood and behavior.”

“Furthermore, the WHO identifies alcohol as a dependence-producing substance, indicating its potential to lead to addiction and substance use disorders.”

“Most notably, alcohol is classified as a Group 1 carcinogen by the WHO, meaning it is known to cause cancer in humans, particularly in organs such as the liver, breast, and esophagus.”

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In summary,

it was formerly thought that moderate drinking had health advantages.
New research, however, indicates that alcohol has no demonstrable health advantages.

Additionally, experts recommend giving up alcohol for better health.

“Just a glass of wine, please.”

“I only drink during special events.”

“I only have alcohol on the weekends.”

These studies are what?
It’s no secret that alcohol is unhealthy; we’ve all heard this since we were little. As adults, however, it may seem reasonable to sometimes drink, as a fast Google search will show you through a plethora of well-written research.

Additionally, these studies imply that moderate alcohol use may have some health advantages, especially for the heart.

“The American Heart Association suggests that moderate alcohol intake can potentially benefit heart health. They note that it may increase HDL (‘good’) cholesterol levels and reduce the formation of arterial plaques.”

“A study referenced by Harvard elaborates on the concept of moderate drinking, emphasizing that consuming alcohol in quantities that do not ‘harm’ the body is considered acceptable.”

“Furthermore, the study indicates that consuming 1-2 drinks per day for men, and no more than 1 drink per day for women, is not significantly harmful to health.”

There is no benefit for those who are younger
             There is no benefit for those who are younger

“The first drop is where risk starts.”

Let’s now discuss the latest research that shows your body shouldn’t be exposed to alcohol.

Alcohol is classified by the World Health Organization as a Group 1 carcinogen, poisonous, psychotropic, and dependence-producing drug.
At least seven cancer forms, including prevalent ones like bowel cancer and breast cancer in women, are linked to alcohol, according to the World Health Organization.

The World Health Organization also links “light” and “moderate” alcohol use to this rise in cancer cases.
According to WHO, “there is no evidence at this time that suggests there is a threshold at which alcohol’s carcinogenic effects’switch on’ and begin to manifest in the human body.”

Another study published in March 2022 demonstrates that even moderate drinking raises the likelihood.

Experts concur:-
Dr. Nazia Dalwai, a medical practitioner at HCL Healthcare in Mumbai, states that any kind or amount of alcohol has been linked to harmful consequences in recent research on the impact of alcohol on the body.

“Prohibition of alcohol is the new standard. In the past, it was believed that wine or a modest amount of alcohol was essential for good health. But liver problems like fatty liver, liver cirrhosis (liver damage), hepatocellular carcinoma (liver cancer), obesity, acute and chronic pancreatitis, type 2 diabetes, atherosclerosis (artery thickening or hardening), etc. are risk factors [of alcohol consumption], according to Dr. Dalwai. Is that sufficient?

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