pakistan attacks iranPakistan did this airstrike on Iran

Pakistan is upset after the airstrike by Iran. now Pakistani ,According to the media, Pakistan has struck numerous terrorist targets in Iran.No information has been revealed yet regarding when and where this attack was carried out.

Pakistan is upset after the airstrike by Iran. now pakistani According to the media, Pakistan has struck numerous terrorist targets in Iran. No information has been revealed yet regarding when and where this attack was carried out.Is. No official statement yet from Iran or Pakistan regarding this attack has not been released.According to Pakistani media, this was done by targeting BLA terrorist hideouts in Iran.

Attacks have been carried out. Pakistan claims Balochistan Liberation Army inside Iran (BLA) Baloch separatist militant groups such as the Balochistan Liberation Force (BLF) are active, which

carry out anti-Pakistan activities.

Pakistan’s allegation:

Pakistan claims that Balochistan Liberation Front and Balochistan Liberation Army are in Iran.They constantly plot and carry out attacks against Pakistan. Pakistan claims that Iran helps such organizations by giving them shelter. Iran always denies such claims Has been doing.Baloch oppose Pakistan

Actually, Balochistan’s border is adjacent to Afghanistan in the north and Iran in the west.Balochistan has always been a province rich in mineral resources. Baloch always belong to Pakistan They have been demanding independence and the right to extract important mineral resources from their area.oppose. Earlier Pakistan used to exploit the mineral resources here and later it started exploiting the mineral resources of China.

This permission was given, since then the opposition of Baloch citizens has increased further. Due to this opposition Organizations like BLA and BLF have been targeting Pakistani military forces and Chinese soldiers.


Iran had carried out Airstrike Earlier, Iran’s airstrike was carried out targeting terrorist hideouts in Pakistan.

Two children died and three others were injured. Pakistan ‘in its airspace’ Strongly condemning the ‘violation’, Iran’s ambassador in charge was summoned to the Ministry of External Affairs.Pakistani Foreign Office issued a statement saying that this act of Iran was a violation of its airspace.

Unreasonable violation‘. After this, Pakistan supported terrorist organization killed an Iranian military officer was shot dead.

Iran is continuously warning that Jaish-ul-Adl terrorist group is attacking its security forces.Is using Pakistan’s land to carry out attacks and the border areas of Balochistan It has its locations in city Panjgur. Pakistan said, ‘Relevant seniors of the Iranian Foreign Ministry A strong protest has already been lodged with the officer regarding this.

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