Prajwal Revanna sex tape rowPrajwal Revanna sex tape row

Karthik claims to have given BJP politician Devaraje Gowda the pen drive.

Karthik, the former driver of Hassan MP Prajwal Revanna who was suspended from the JD(S) due to an alleged sex scandal, denied allegations that he had given Congress leaders in Karnataka access to explicit videos of abuse and made it clear that he had only shared them with G. Devaraje Gowda, the leader of the BJP.

In the 2023 assembly elections, Gowda ran against Prajwal’s father, H.D. Revanna, for the assembly seat in Holenarasipur.

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Karthik stated that he had gone to Gowda in order to pursue justice for women who had allegedly been abused by Prajwal Revanna.

Gowda had earlier asserted that the Congress leaders were the first to get the films as leaks.

“I don’t know whether he (Gowda) distributed the pen drive or gave it to someone else for the purpose, or if BJP people did it,” Karthik stated in a video statement. But I just gave the pen drive to him and no one else.”

He is now accusing me of delivering it to the leaders of Congress. He questioned, “Why would I approach him for justice if I were to give it to Congress leaders?”

He said that he is prepared to appear before the special inquiry team and turn in all relevant documentation.

Gowda had stated on Monday that Karthik had informed him that the latter had delivered the pen drive to D.K. Shivakumar, the chairman of the state Congress, and other Congress officials.

Karthik responded to this by saying, “Gowda is putting out bogus claims that I supplied the pen drive to Congress leaders. However, I did not provide the pen drive to anybody else other than Devaraje Gowda, who ran for office in Holenarasipur on a BJP ticket and lost. Why am I giving it to the leaders of Congress? The Revanna family is linked to Congress leaders.”

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