Prime Minister Narendra Modi will launch two Amrit Bharat Express trains on Saturday while in Ayodhya.Two Amrit Bharat Express trains will be launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who is in Ayodhya on Saturday to officially launch a number of projects.
Learn about every feature of the new train:
Two Amrit Bharat Express trains will be launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who is in Ayodhya on Saturday to officially launch a number of projects. From the Ayodhya Dham railway station, the Prime Minister will launch the Amrit Bharat Express, which travels from Darbhanga to Ayodhya and Anand Vihar Terminal. As per the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) statement, the Amrit Bharat Express from Malda Town to Sir M Visvesvaraya Terminus (Bengaluru) will be virtually flagged off.
“The Amrit Bharat train, designed as an LHB push-pull model, features coaches devoid of air conditioning systems.”. Both ends of it have locomotion for improved acceleration. Improved amenities for travellers include well-designed seats, better luggage racks, LED lighting, CCTV, public information systems, and mobile charging stations with appropriate holders.
The following are some of the Amrit Bharat Express’s salient characteristics:
- Push-pull technology: The train uses push-pull technology, which enables quicker acceleration and deceleration and lowers overall travel time. It is outfitted with a WAP5 engine with 6,000 HP at each end.
- The train is made up of 22 coaches: 12 second-class 3-tier sleeper coaches, two guard cabins, and eight general second-class coaches for customers travelling without reservations.
- Comfort and amenities: Travellers can take advantage of newly cushioned luggage racks, sleepers and seats that are ergonomically constructed, and mobile chargers with holders. In addition, the train has aerosol-based fire suppression systems, zero-discharge FRP modular toilets, and radium illumination flooring strips for convenience and safety.
- Speed: The Amrit Bharat Express promises a quick trip between Ayodhya and Darbhanga in Bihar, as well as from Malda in West Bengal to Bengaluru, with a maximum permitted speed of 130 km/h. Orange and grey make up the striking design of the train, as does the seating arrangement. In order to guarantee passengers’ comfort throughout the trip, it provides improved seating configurations.